As you can clearly see I got glasses. Do you think I look like my Dad?
Lots of people seem to think so. I also have my awesome Camaro hat to express my individuality( big word). I would like this car for my grad, so if any of you guys have
money just kickin around, here's an idea.
Okay. This is officially my favorite thing on your blog!
Hey, wonderful to see a picture of you. Holy cow, you grew up. I do have the spare change kickin' around....oh wait it's in my other pair of pants. :o)
Wow Matthew!! A picture of you..or is that your dad?? Yes you do look a lot alike.
I also had some spare change kicking around here somewhere but I just can't seem to remember what I did with it. Shoot!! I really wanted to buy you that car too.
In case you didn't remember, this is Auntie Mitz
Hey Matthew, this is your cousin Carrie. I can't believe that's actually you. Are you SURE you're not still 8?! Anyway, nice job, and yes, you do look a lot like your dad.
Another long lost cousin. I actually had to read the comments to figure out who you were. Yipes. Hope you're doing well and get everything you want for Christmas from Santa, who I'm sure you're still young enough to believe in, otherwise I'm getting old.
Matthew do you know that I check your blog almost every day and have been very patient waiting for a new post but now I am getting tired. I really need to see something new about you.
Don't make me come over there!!
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